Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to teach children to love reading

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The love of reading can be learned. It 'an art that has been handed down from father to son (or mother to son) and that can be learned through behavior and stimuli from the first months of life. Here's how you can help your child learn to love books.

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     1. It starts early, even now. Ever since he has a few months the child is able to understand the pitch of the voice and also to observe the shapes and colors. In the first months of life, the sense of touch is preponderant: buy books of fabric that make noise and are very colorful. Play with him in these booklets and repeat day after day the sentences which are written therein. It will be his first story that you told.
2. Do not stop buying books. When you have a year or so he will be alone or to browse them hand you asking you to read. Indicates each design, object or animal and pronunciation clear his name. Tell a story even if there is written on the book: inventala for him putting together the designs that are on the book.

  3. When is a bit bigger put a habit of reading together, for example in the evening before going to sleep Read aloud, it changes the pitch of the voice according to the character and put passion Rileggigli favorite books, and more than once, twice, three times: for children is reassuring to know that the story always ends the same way Cantagli lullabies and nursery rhymes and coinvolgilo in the story: according to him, ask him how the story will end.

  4. Arrange the books in his room so that he can take them yourself without having to ask for help from an adult. Do not let him ever miss the books or those intended for him, but even those for adults. Growing up in a house where there is a library full of books make the book a life partner which will not matter.

How To Teach Your Child to Read Click Here

How to teach children to read and write

my baby can read, reading games for kids,how to read,kids reading,children reading,brainy baby,baby talking,baby learningYour child is already 5 years old, time is running out and the next year has to go to elementary school. It time to teach him to read and write, but you do not know where to start? This guide will give you some tips to make things up to you and your baby easier and more enjoyable.

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    1.The first thing to do to teach a child to read and then to write, you arm yourself with patience. You have to understand that for the child this is a difficult, tedious and heavy for sure your son would rather go watch cartoons or play!

    For this reason, you should try to make learning an enjoyable time. First of all you have to encourage them to want to learn, motivating and encouraging. Try to avoid saying "You have to learn how to write" and not make him feel that he is just having to do this. Always use the plurare, getting involved in this activity. For example you can say "why do not we write a nice letter to dad for when he returns to work?"
2. You're always close to the child, should not be left alone, but do not keep up with him. Sit next to him and let him know that if you're in trouble there, but maybe not harass urging him to hurry, to do better. Especially not offend him, do not feel that it is not suited to the task svolgento.

    If you see that he is making a mistake you can simply stop and ask him to check the word that poorly written, explaining that you write differently from what it does. When you talk to him and explain things assume a calm but firm voice, also you are always up to it, do not get up if he's sitting.

 3. The duration of the course should be limited If you see that your child begins to tire foul rest or stop and continue the next day A good way to make it look nice writing and reading is to ask the child after each word or phrase, to make the design
For example, learning to write "mom"? Get them to do at the end of the page to his own mother you would encourage this kind of task hanging the small page with the written word and drawing on the fridge, in the child's room or should I better I enjoy

 4. Excite a young child to read is a pretty daunting task. So try to take books with lots of pictures, stories, stories enjoyable. Here, too, you can use the method of drawing. For example, you say "read this sentence and then disegnamola, so hang on to your room design and we do see at all."

The child will also be very stimulated to read if you own / or read many fairy tales. Try to use different tones for the items and a lot of expressiveness to make your child more involved.

How To Teach Your Child to Read Click Here

How to teach children to read the clock

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Teaching children to read the clock is much easier than you think and can also be a fun experience. To begin, it is essential to use, of course, a clock "classic", so full of numbers and hands. Reading a clock without these tools can be for a child much more complex and is a skills usually acquired with time.

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    1.A child a little smarter will surely be raised begs the question: "If a day has 24 hours, because the numbers are only 12?"  you can safely offer him a response that does not send him in confusion. Just simply tell him that in a day repeated twice on the same lap. But who are we talking? Of the hands, of course, which are usually three, each different from the other not only in appearance but also for functionality. We begin to know them better. The smallest of these, because of its "nature" moves slowly on larger numbers of the dial. It 'so slow it takes 12 hours to go round and then return to the starting point. This is clearly the hour hand, but if you want to make the explanation less boring for your child, you can find something more fun to give it.

 2. The largest hand, however, proceeds much more rapidly, stopping this time on the smaller numbers on the dial. But why should it be faster? Simple: because the task is more challenging, since the minutes are so many, 60 to be exact. To accomplish this task, then, is the minute hand, but even in this case, you can leave room for your imagination, or that of your child, to give it a nickname more fun.

 3. Finally, it is the turn of the last (but not least) hand, the second hand! It 's the fastest of all, the most dynamic, the only one whose movement is clearly perceptible to our eyes and those of our children the motivation to offer him would be the same: the seconds in an hour are so many, even many , 3600 to be exact (a figure that a child will be even more challenging than it is) and the needle should then proceed without any stop afford It important that children understand quickly what indicates the succession of these hands because, already at their age, their days are very demanding with school, homework and sports It 'should, therefore, they quickly learn to manage their time.

How To Teach Your Child to Read Click Here